Region Sjælland

Region Sjælland

Fælledvej 6, 4200 Slagelse

Clinical position as consultant combined with a clinical research associate professorship in Psychiatry


Clinical position as consultant combined with a clinical research associate professorship in Psychiatry

A clinical position as consultant in Psychiatry at the Psychiatric Research Unit with a special focus on dual-diagnosis research and treatment at the Mental Health Service in Region Zealand is open for appointment from 1st October 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The position as consultant is combined with a 5-year externally funded position as clinical research associate professor in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

With this new position, the Mental Health Services in Region Zealand wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching within the field of addiction psychiatry in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.

It is a requirement that the applicant is accepted for appointment of both the clinical research associate professorship and the clinical position.

About Psychiatric Research Unit

The Psychiatric Research Unit (PRU) is an independent department with reference to the hospital management. PRU carries out research, and research support, as well as innovation assignments across Region Zealand Mental Health Service. PRU is led by a professor and chief physician (Head of Research) and chief nurse (Head of Nursing Science Research). PRU encompass three research centers (Center for Evidence Based Psychiatry; Center for Research in Personality Disorders and Center for Center for Research in Relationships and De-escalation; for details see  Psychiatric Research Unit - Psykiatri ( The staff includes two professors and four associate professors, two senior researchers, several Phd-students and research assistants, a research librarian and two sectaries, in total 30 people. Cross-disciplinary collaboration is prioritized and researchers have diverse training: medicine, psychology, nursing, health economics, public health etc. 

Clinical functions

As consultant in the central Psychiatric Research Unit, the duties have a regional perspective within the Mental Health Service.  For the current position, the consultant will have duties within development, implementation, training and supervision of dual-diagnosis treatment across the region’s psychiatric departments. 

Research and teaching

Psychiatric research in Region Zealand is organized in the above described Psychiatric Research Unit and local Research Units at most Departments. Research collaboration across departments is extensive, the researchers being united in fast growing research networks around three main themes: “Body & Mind”; Psychotherapy & Psychopathology” and “Implementation and User Participation”. In total, Psychiatry Region Zealand employs more than 20 Phd-students, three post-docs, several senior researchers/associate professors, three UCPH professors and two SDU professors. It is expected that the successful candidate will build own emerging research group based on external funding and participate in ongoing research in the Region Zealand Mental Health Service within the research themes Body & Mind and Psychotherapy & Psychopathology. Research focus is expected to be clinical, cross-sectoral and epidemiological research on patients with mental disorders and concurrent addiction problems.

University teaching duties relate to pre-graduate teaching in Psychiatri (5th year medical school) as lectures, student activating teaching (tutorials) and thesis supervision. The candidate is expected to participate in the educational development of the Psychiatry curriculum for Region Zealand Medical School.


Applicants must be board-certified specialist in psychiatry and must have a documented professional expertise in treatment of people with addiction and mental disorders.

Documented research and teaching skills are also required, see the adjoining advertisement for the position as clinical associate professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, Copenhagen University


In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the Faculty (the clinical research associate professorship) and to the hospital  (the clinical position) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the clinical research associate professorship. Appointment is conditioned by the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants or staff specialists at Region Zealand Mental Health Service.

Salary and conditions of employment as consultant or staff specialist are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.

As clinical research associate professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g. research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for clinical/regional work in agreement with the Head of Psychiatric Research Unit.

Application procedure:

The application must include the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae and a complete list of publications
  • A description of how the applicant is qualified as
    • Clinical expert
    • Communicator
    • Collaborator
    • Manager/administrator/organizer
    • Health advocate
    • Scholar/researcher/teacher, professional

For more information please refer to

For applicants with a foreign license also a copy of the authorization certificate for specialist in Psychiatry recognition.

The closing date for applications is 22.08.2023.


Further information:

For further information please contact Professor, Head of Research, Sidse Arnfred tel.  + 45 24227045 

The advertisement for the clinical research associate professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (

”Apply for this position online here”

159694 Clinical Research Associate Professor of Psychiatry (Fixed-Term, 5 Years) (

Psykiatrien som arbejdsplads 

I Psykiatrien Region Sjælland kan du gøre en forskel for hele mennesket. Vi skaber håb, vilje og lyst til livet. Du gør en meningsfuld forskel, når du vælger at arbejde i Psykiatrien. Gør karriere i Psykiatrien, hvis du vil redde mere end liv. Se mere på – og læs om udviklingsmuligheder, karriereveje og alt det andet som er rart at vide, når man søger nyt job.

Om Psykiatrien
Psykiatrien Region Sjælland er en behandlingspsykiatri, der består af en række sengeafsnit og ambulante enheder rundt omkring i regionen. Vi varetager psykiatrisk udredning og behandling samt akutforpligtelsen i Region Sjælland.

Vi udvikler og formidler en bred vifte af psykiatriske tilbud til regionens borgere, og vi har en anonym rådgivning, som er åben for alle, der har behov for viden eller sparring om psykisk sygdom. Vi forsker bredt med inddragelse af både patienter og pårørende. Vi ser det som en vigtig opgave at uddanne fremtidens medarbejdere, så vi varetager også en stor uddannelsesopgave.

  • Fakta

  • Arbejdssted
  • Kontaktperson
    Sidse Arnfred
  • Adresse
    Fælledvej 6, 4200 Slagelse
  • Stillingstype
  • Speciale
  • Ansættelsesform
    Tidsbegrænset periode
  • Ugentlig arbejdstid
    Fuld tid
  • Ansættelsens start
  • Regionens jobnr.
  • Quick-nr.
  • Indrykningsdato
  • Ansøgningsfrist
    22-08-2023 (udløbet)

  • Fakta

  • Arbejdssted
  • Adresse
    Fælledvej 6, 4200 Slagelse
  • Kontaktperson
    Sidse Arnfred
  • Stillingstype
  • Speciale
  • Ansættelsesform
    Tidsbegrænset periode
  • Ugentlig arbejdstid
    Fuld tid
  • Ansættelsens start
  • Regionens jobnr.
  • Quick-nr.
  • Indrykningsdato
  • Ansøgningsfrist
    22-08-2023 (udløbet)

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