Region Hovedstaden

Region Hovedstaden

Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 2400 København

Consultancy in Internal Medicine: Geriatrics combined with a clinical professorship (chair) in Internal Medicine: Geriatrics

A clinical position as consultant of Geriatrics at the Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine at Copenhagen University Hospital – Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg, Copenhagen is open for appointment from as soon as possible.

The position is combined with a 10-year position as clinical professor (chair) of Internal Medicine: Geriatrics at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.

With this new position the Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital - Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.

It is a requirement that the applicant is accepted for appointment of both the professorship and the consultancy.

The advertisement for the professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (( )

About the department

With an uptake area of approx. 550 000 inhabitants our department is located in central Copenhagen. We admit most of our patients through our geriatric emergency room which is located in close connection to the acute medical ward. From here, the patients are discharged in close collaboration with our out-patient teams and the communal services in primary sector. Patients in need for hospitalization are transferred directly to our geriatric wards with all together 32 geriatric beds. We work in multidisciplinary teams. In case of fracture the patients are transferred to the orthogeriatric section (14 beds) where we work in close collaboration with the trauma department.  When discharged to rehabilitation, the patients are followed by our team present at the rehab clinic.

Our out-patient clinic has four sections: A memory-clinic, a falls clinic, a clinic for general geriatric medicine and a clinic for Multipathology/Polyfarmacy.

Clinical functions and focus areas of the department

In geriatric medicine, we work based on a comprehensive assessment of the patient and his network to be able to provide the best assessment and treatment of acute complex geriatric problems and based on a high degree of interdisciplinarity.

Since we are located in central Copenhagen, the department has been working through several years on developing-and giving room for- new and innovative networks and pathways between primary and secondary sector that match the challenges of a changing demography in an urban context.

We primarily focus on a close collaboration with other hospital departments e.g. the medical departments,  the emergency department, trauma section and palliative care to optimize older patients´ treatment course in relation to their proper needs and wishes. 

At the mean time we develop sector-integrated pathways for our patients in order to adopt our clinical practice to the needs of the patients in the future.  Cross-sectoral training and nutrition tasks   will play an even more important role in the future. 

Research and teaching

With this new position the Department of Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital - Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.


Applicants must be board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine: Geriatrics


In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the Faculty (the professorship) and to the hospital (the consultancy) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the professorship. Appointment is conditioned by the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants at Copenhagen University Hospital – Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.

Salary and conditions of employment as consultant are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.

As clinical professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g., research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for clinical work in agreement with the head of Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine. The clinical professor will receive secretarial or technical support equivalent to 50 % of a full-time secretary position from the Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine. Additional support and details on the working conditions must be negotiated with the head of the department of Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital - Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg.

Application procedure

The application must include the following:

  • Curriculum Vitae and a complete list of publications
  • Copy of the authorization certificate for specialist in Internal Medicine: Geriatrics
  • A description of how the applicant is qualified as
  • Clinical expert
  • Communicator
  • Collaborator
  • Manager/administrator/organizer
  • Health advocate
  • Scholar/researcher/teacher
  • Professional

For more information please refer to Sundhedsstyrelsen: The Seven Roles of Physicians.

The closing date for applications is 23.59 p.m. CET, Sunday, 11 August 2024.

Further information:

For further information please contact head of Department of Geriatric and Palliative medicine Eckart Pressel tel. + 45 3863 5386, or email:

Information on Terms of employment for the Capital Region:

Apply for this position online at this site.

  • Fakta

  • Arbejdssted
    Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital
  • Kontaktperson
    Eckart Pressel
  • Adresse
    Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 2400 København
  • Stillingstype
  • Speciale
    Intern medicin: Geriatri
  • Ansættelsesform
    Tidsbegrænset periode
  • Ugentlig arbejdstid
    Fuld tid
  • Ansættelsens start
    Snarest muligt
  • Regionens jobnr.
  • Quick-nr.
  • Indrykningsdato
  • Ansøgningsfrist
    11-08-2024 (udløbet)

  • Fakta

  • Arbejdssted
    Bispebjerg og Frederiksberg Hospital
  • Adresse
    Bispebjerg Bakke 23, 2400 København
  • Kontaktperson
    Eckart Pressel
  • Stillingstype
  • Speciale
    Intern medicin: Geriatri
  • Ansættelsesform
    Tidsbegrænset periode
  • Ugentlig arbejdstid
    Fuld tid
  • Ansættelsens start
    Snarest muligt
  • Regionens jobnr.
  • Quick-nr.
  • Indrykningsdato
  • Ansøgningsfrist
    11-08-2024 (udløbet)

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